Free Membership ($0)

FREE MEMBERSHIP $0.00/month. Full Access to Easton Art Galleries website, Add one Works of Art Full social media integration between the artist's pages and their social media outlets, including Facebook, Twitter and Instagram

Basic Membership ($119)

BASIC MEMBERSHIP $39.99/month, ($119 to start, includes 3 free months) Full Access to Easton Art Galleries website Add Unlimited Works of Art Full social media integration between the artist's pages and their social media outlets, including Facebook, Twitter and Instagram
DELUXE MEMBERSHIP $500/year In addition to the above features, the prepair annual membership includes Free support assistance in migrating existing artwork images from the artist's website to the Easton Art Galleries website< Inclusion in our Art Placement Program, in which we work with our corporate and business clients to get your artwork placed in physical locations for display and sales
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